It's that time of year again and what I've seen the number one New Year resolution is to lose weight, and it's not really that difficult. But many expect such thing to be done in overnight, and they tend to lose their motivation when it doesn't happen. You didn't gain weight overnight, so you won't lose weight in overnight either. Took me 6 months to lose weight and took me discipline to achieve that.
In order for a workout plan to succeed, a person must know that the weight scale won't go down by just first clutch of a dumbbell. Exercise must be part of regular routine than short term solution.
Joining a gym is one of many ways to start the fitness routine. But often motivation disappears after few weeks. According to the statistics, it is found that about half of the people who begin an exercise routine quit after six to nine months.
Personally, making a workout plan is very enjoyable, it is like making my own lesson plan. I type my workout plan in my laptop with cute fonts. Let me share the other tips :
1. Sit down with weekly calendar and determine how many days of the week you are willing to exercise.
2. Balance the cardiovascular exercise and weight training.
3. Commit yourself to follow your plan.
4. Follow your schedule at least one month.
5. If you are beginner, hire a personal trainer or find a buddy who is a fitness freak to motivate you and show you how to use the machines. Other alternative is browse the internet about exercises.
6. When you make your workout plan, make sure you put something you like.
7. Always vary your exercise to keep you stick with plan.
Hope my tips above will help you to attain your new year resolution and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Good stuff Alia!
#6 is a real key - doing something you like to do, much more likely to stick with it!
I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season, and I look forward to where the new year will take you!
I agree with you that making a plan is important. Great tips!
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